Motiva Business Law

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Tampa, Florida


Oak Brook, Illinois

Good Luck, Bar Examiners!

When you read the words ‘Board of Bar Examiners,’ what comes to your mind? For me, it’s a bunch of old, white (mostly bald, some overweight) men wearing grey suits sitting at a long oval table in leather chairs with mean, scary looks. I picture them trying to come up with various ways to torture the scared-to-death recent JD’s.

I admit I’m not so scared anymore these days. I’ve been there, done that. I’m taking the Florida bar next Tuesday. I’ll be one of the calmer ones, but it wasn’t always like that. I remember the first time I took the bar exam and what an awful day it was- the way I wandered around Chicago trying to find the building (the address was hidden above the door). I found a small UPS store where I cried and asked to use their computer to access mapquest. I made it finally about 5 minutes before I was due. And that was the just the beginning.

In any case, after 2 days, 10 grueling essays, and 200 multiple choice questions (and a 5 hour energy drink), I passed the exam. And here I am once again.

Thankfully, the Florida bar exam is faaaar more redundant than the Illinois bar (based on my observation of the study guides provided by the Board). I admit I am taking a far more nonchalant and calm attitude. I’ve read so many essays, they’re falling out of my ears and I’m starting to feel like I’m re-reading the same questions and answers over and over again (which I’ll concede is a good thing). I’m actually not sure why I was so scared last time around.

So good luck first-timers! Trust me, the experience is so overrated.

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