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Florida Legislative Session Update (2014)

Recently, the legislative session kicked off. It’s been off to a slow start, but let’s see what’s on the menu for now relating to the areas of business law and state regulatory law:

HB-1 touches on a beefy issue, genetically modified foods. This will set in place labeling requirements for sellers of genetically modified foods. The bill refers to consumers having a right to know.

HB-11 is a proposed law that will slowly eliminate taxes on commercial rental properties. Good news for business owners who rent their space if it passes.

HB-31 is a proposed dental law that may affect some practitioners. It’s a fairly comprehensive bill but, as a whole, it seems beneficial for practitioners as it will increase reimbursement and decrease what restrictions insurance companies may place on contracted practitioners.

HB-49 is a favorite of mine. It calls for the revival of Florida Springs to preserve our ecosystem and promote ecotourism. Those who have had the opportunity to visit one of Florida’s springs may want to contact their representative and tell them to support this bill.

Check back for more updates as the session progresses. There will be updates on some of the bills listed and descriptions of other bills filed.

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